• Guidelines Deadline 30/09/2024 23:59:00 UTC+
    • It is a pleasure to welcome you to our PAM – Porto’s Autoimmune Meeting. This meeting was born from the annual course of the Clinical Immunology Unit at Hospital Santo António since 1994 and the Medinterna meeting organized by Hospital São João since 2003. 
      This congress became a unique experience that brought together fundamental scientists and doctors specializing in systemic autoimmune and other clinical immunology diseases in the same room and with the same objective.CommitteeEvery year is dedicated to a topic on which we try to explore all possible aspects from research to therapy.
       This year is dedicated to Precision Medicine, we intend to update concepts, review fundamental and translational research and the therapeutic strategy to be applied to large nosological groups. Furthermore, we intend to deepen the excellent relationship we have with different European groups and expand the congress at an international level.
      We are waiting for everyone in Porto for a productive meeting and to enjoy the magnificent Autumn in the our lovely city.

      Specialist and Resident resgistrations include access to: scientific sessions, sponsor area, coffee-breaks, work lunchs (2nd, 3rd and 4th Oct.), conference dinner (4th Oct.) and certificate of attendance.
      Student Registration includes: scientific sessions, sponsor area, coffee-breaks and certificate of attendance. As a Student you shall need to upload a proof of your student status.

      If your registration includes lunches we kindly ask you to confirm your presence in order to avoid wast and unnecessary costs to the Organization.

      The conference dinner is limited in availability. 

      Cancellation and Reimbursment Policy:
      – Until 1 month prior to the event - reimbursment of 75% of the value paid;
      – After this date, no refund is granted. We will only accept change of name of the registration;
      – To any refund a handling fee of 10€ will be deducted.
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  • Congress & Social Program
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      Pre-Congress Course – 2nd Oct.
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